Four books I love, and I think you will too!
As I ease myself into the new year, I’m working on making more time for reading. It’s something I really enjoy doing but, as I get busy, it tends to fall into the too-hard pile. The thing is though, when I do read, I find it helps me to unwind and, particularly when I read one of the books on this list, I learn a LOT!
If you, like me, would like to make reading a priority for 2020 but, you’re not quite sure where to start. Here’s a few books I think are a great read and I’m pretty sure you’ll agree.
- The Savage Truth – Greg Savage A recruitment industry stalwart, Greg Savage is someone whose blogs I’ve followed on LinkedIn for years. After seeing him speak at a Recruitment, Consulting, Staffing Association of Australia event, I LOVED what he had to say. I picked up his book there and then and am currently making my way through it. I’m not quite finished yet but, with not much to go, I gotta say, so far, so good. This has been a good read and just as inspiring as seeing him speak live.
- The Secrets of Raising Super Kids – Brian Tracy I’m pretty sure you’ve heard me mention Brian Tracy once, or twice before. In fact, my close friends and family will tell you they’ve certainly heard me mention Brian Tracy MANY times before! The thing with Tracy is, he’s been around for so long that sometimes listening to him speak is like being on the telephone back in the 90s. However, if you can get past that, you’ll find his content is excellent. Many well-known inspirational life or business coaches come out with ideas which seem revolutionary but, when you’re well versed in Brian Tracy, you likely heard them a few years ago. His information is so foundational and solid, it gets repackaged and resold over and over. He’s another person I saw speak live and it was one of the greatest gifts my employer at the time ever gave me. Currently, my wife and I have been listening to the this audio book of and are finding it simply amazing. This is one you definitely need to check out.
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki Another one which has been around for a while, this book celebrated its 20th anniversary just a few years ago. The original version was excellent, but the newer version has a few added extras which solidify the message. Kiyosaki compares two dads in two financial situations, rich and poor, and uses them as examples of how you don’t need to earn a high income to be rich. There’s some interesting information in there and in my opinion, for a book to still be relevant over twenty years later, you’d have to agree it’s worth reading!
- Raise Your Game: High performance secrets of the best of the best – Alan Stein Jr. If you’re struggling with motivation and productivity, this is the one for you! Performance coach, Stein Jr. explains how the people at the top of their field in sport or business remain committed to their goals and maintain their discipline. He talks about how important the little choices are to keeping us on track, consistently. This is a great read to kick off your year in peak form.
Any of these books will keep you turning page after page, and likely leave you with many AHA! moments. With lots to learn and heaps of motivation to be gained. Which one do you think you’ll start with? I’d love to hear your thoughts or, maybe you’ve got a page-turner you’d like to share with me?
Shannon Wood, Managing Director S8 Expert Recruitment Solutions. I have over 15 years recruitment experience specialising in the animal health industry across the ANZ region. Areas of expertise include sales and marketing, technical roles (Quality Assurance, Quality Control & Regulatory Affairs) and operational & financial positions. I work extensively in the veterinary, ruminant, monogastric, aquaculture and the pet specialty industries and I look forward to the next 15 years.